Become a Member
Look for an email reply regarding your application status.
We will review your application, and notify you of your enrollment status within 7 days of application completion.
Upon acceptance, attend initial trial session.
Determine which class is appropriate for your child.
Look at our calendar.
Look at our Warren Calendar to see when we are running our classes and come whenever is convenient for you!
Youth Classes (6 years old through 8th grade)
Any youth wrestler above 125-130 pounds should contact our office to discuss class placement.
High School Classes (wrestlers of high school age, grades 9 - 12)
Visit our Classes page for more detailed information regarding each of our classes.
Trial Period (optional)
Student applicant will be given a trial period of 2 sessions, where the first will be free. The cost of the second trial session will be $30, which will be applied toward the student's tuition should they decide to enroll. The trial period also serves as part of the admittance process in that Edge School staff will be able to evaluate the prospective athlete's compatibility with the program. Upon approval of all parties, continue to step 5.
Choose an enrollment option.
Visit our "Enrollment Options" page to determine which membership option works best for you.
All wrestlers attending trial classes are required to have a valid USA Wrestling Federation Card. The active insurance card number needs to be provided to our office before any new student will be allowed to participate. All Edge members must have and maintain active USA Wrestling Card status in order to participate in classes.
To obtain a USA Wrestling Card or renew your USAW Membership:
1. Click the "Renew/Buy Membership" button below or go to www.usawmembership.com/login.
2. Log in to your account or create a new account.
3. Once logged in, under Memberships, press "Go To Memberships".
4. Press "Purchase Membership" on that screen and continue the process by following the prompts provided.

If you are unsure of how to purchase a membership, please click on the "Card Purchase Tutorial" button.

The Edge does not allow trial visits for wrestlers competing in the state tournament at either age group (kids or high school) during the 3 weeks prior to the corresponding state tournament. High school wrestlers actively competing in the districts, regions, or states or youth wrestlers who have qualified for the kids states cannot participate in a trial visit at The Edge until their season has ended and they are no longer competing in the state events. Any athlete not actively competing in the state tournament whose season has ended is welcome to attend a trial visit at any time. Wrestlers who have advanced on to the state tournament interested in The Edge should wait for their trial visit until after the state tournament has concluded.